Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Appeasement: A Real-Life Anatevka

The recent evacuation of Jewish settlements in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank reminds me of these words from a song in Fiddler on the Roof:

Soon I'll be stranger in a strange new place
Searching for an old familiar face
From Anatevka.

-from Anatevka, music by Jerry Bock, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick

Just like in the story of Fiddler on the Roof, many members of the Jewish community were forced to leave their homes. Only this happened in real life. And this time they had to leave their homeland.

In a move that looks a lot like Neville Chamberlain appeasing the Nazis in 1938, the Israeli government has betrayed their own people in the name of a false peace. While I have to admit Palestinian president Abbas has worked hard and done well so far to keep the peace, there's just too much animosity among some elements within Palestine. There's too much animosity amongst the Jewish people as well. The political ramifications of this could very well ruin Prime Minister Sharon's political career.

I fear that this real-life Anatevka will be in vain. I dare to predict that once some homicide bomber blows him- or herself up in a crowded public place in Tel Aviv - or wherever in Israel - the game is up. Everyone in Israel will realize the peace plan is but a dream. And Israel's enemies will have that much more territory from which to launch an attack. That is a situation that will not be tolerated by Israel.

Even so, Lord Jesus, quickly come.

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