Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Here I Am, Lord

The LORD came and stood there, calling as at the other times, "Samuel! Samuel!" Then Samuel said, "Speak, for your servant is listening." [1 Samuel 3:10]

As I mentioned in my previous post, I've been praying over whether or not I should serve as head cook for the men's Walk to Emmaus in October. It never ceases to amaze me how God speaks to me in times like these.

Often he speaks to me through other Christian friends. Everyone with whom I've shared my prayer request has been quite supportive - including some folks who have been downright exhuberant. Perhaps the most meaningful human affirmation came from my wife who asked, "Have you been head cook before?" When I said, "No," she replied, "Yeah, but you know what to do."

God speaks to me through Scripture as well. When M first called me to serve, I later read that evening from Matthew 16:24: Then Jesus said to his disciples, "Those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses, and follow me. (from the God's Word translation).

Sunday was the real kicker. Granted, by this time I was leaning toward saying yes, but sought further convincing. One of my small group members - who is now a pastor - mentioned on Saturday that he was going to preach on 1 Samuel 3:1-10. Not surprising when you consider that it was the lectionary Scripture this week. I heard it from my own pastor on Sunday - twice (I was liturgist). And I heard it again on Sunday night when I attended a Chrysalis candlelight service in Buckeye. I got in my car for the long drive home and basically said, "Okay, Lord, talk to me. I'm listening."

I felt compelled to take a different route home, and so I did. It was a quite a bit further out west than my usual route - but then again, I don't go to Buckeye very often. And as I drove home, a thought popped in my mind seemingly out of nowhere: This is a different path, but you know the way home. Following the path that a head cook would take is certainly different than any I've taken before - but I know the way.

I also received an email from a friend who reads this blog. She is one of those people whose prayer life is a model for everyone. She mentioned how she was drawn by the Lord to read my last posting and that she, too, has been praying for me.

The fact of the matter is that this feels right. I've been leaning toward saying yes anyway. It's time for that leap of faith again. Oftentimes we know the right answer. It's just a matter of obeying that call. So I called M and made his evening - perhaps his week or even his month.

Here I am, Lord. It is I, Lord.

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