Thursday, April 13, 2006

Not Fun But You Gotta Do It

This week has been full of activites that weren't necessarily fun - but you gotta do it. I'm writing this (and typing into the blog later) I am sitting in the Jury Assembly Room at Superior Court. Who knows what today will bring?

It pretty much started Monday on the way to work when I called the number of a dentist my friend J gave me. I was kind of hoping they wouldn't answer (but glad they did). That bad tooth of mine? By midday it was gone, along with a new filling in another otherwise good tooth. I'm feeling pretty good now that the bad tooth is out! And I've got a new dentist that I really like.

I also had to deal with our cooling system which hasn't been working right. Fortunately we have a guy who comes and checks it out our evaporative cooler and our heat pump every spring. Strangely enough we hadn't heard from him yet until this week - and the timing couldn't have been better - our temperatures have hit the 90's for the first time this year (with 96 expected today). But it's all fixed and we're ready for the heat now.

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, I got the taxes done and my camp staff application sent in. I can't wait till Monday when I can finally relax.

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