Well it looks as though the
trial of Saddam Hussein has finally begun in earnest. As Mr. T would say, "I pity the fool." This trial should have everything we love about courtroom drama, especially with his courtroom antics. I'm especially amused over how he wields the Quran in his hand -
as if he really lives his life according to the Quran.The power that an individual has over people is given by God; if that power is abused, history has shown time and again that God gives that individual enough latitude to self-destruct. Saddam Hussein appears now as a caged animal. His true self is now showing for his nation - and the world - to see. A petty thief and murderer.
Surely the Quran does not permit this? I know
the Bible does not.
Each person's ways are clearly seen by the LORD, and he surveys all his actions. A wicked person will be trapped by his own wrongs, and he will be caught in the ropes of his own sin. [Proverbs 5:21-22, the Message] Rather than taking his own life, if Hitler had been captured, would he have behaved as badly in court as these men are?
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