Monday, December 12, 2005

Mercy or Not?

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger could again be labeled The Terminator or he show mercy by granting clemency to convicted murderer Stanley Tookie Williams. [source]

Williams, co-founder of the L.A. street gang known as the Crips, was convicted in the brutal 1979 murder of four people. But since taking residence in the San Quentin prison, Williams has become an avid anti-gang crusader. He has written several children's books with an anti-gang message and donated the proceeds to anti-gang programs. He has worked very hard to dissuade young people from following the path he has taken.

I generally favor the death penalty. But in this case, I would definitely plead for mercy. Although our corrections system seldom rehabilitates criminals, I think Williams has truly repented. Does he deserve punishment? Absolutely! Incarceration for the remainder of his life should be sufficient, and perhaps he can make more of a difference in the fight against gang violence.

Then again, maybe he can set an even stronger example by being put to death.

Meanwhile, Charles Manson will continue to languish in his prison cell.

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