Saturday, April 02, 2005

Terri Schiavo: More Reflections

This week has seen two high-profile deaths that seem to contradict each other. We have seen the passing of Pope John Paul II, a man who was able to choose the course of his remaining days and embrace the end of his life in dignity. And we have witnessed the passing of Terri Schiavo, a woman at the center of a controversy which ended tragically, regardless of what her wishes may have been. There was nothing dignified about her death.

I've already lived a full life. From this point on, each new day is an additional blessing. When my time comes, I don't want to be further delayed from meeting Jesus face to face.

But that's just my opinion. Your opinion may be different and it is just as valid. The point here is that you need to get in it writing.

If you don't have a living will, make one out. There are a lot web sites where you can do that, some for a nominal fee. Here in Arizona, we can go to the Attorney General's website and download any and all the forms (including Medical Power of Attorney, etc.) we need. They also have complete instructions for filling them out and filing them. Perhaps your state's attorney general has a similar resource.

End of life decisions are very personal. That's why it is important to let them be known to your loved ones.

Tragically, the Schiavos and the Schindlers have been wounded; perhaps they will never be reconciled. At least Terri is finally at peace.

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