Sunday, July 31, 2005

A Week Full of Prayer and Meditation

Well, this certainly has been an interesting week to say the least, with a lot of prayers going out to God.

First and foremost was another apparent attack of pancreatitis suffered by my wife. I've already written up the details on my Pancreatitis page, but to make a long story short, she's out of the hospital already and doing quite well.

Secondly was a decision I was faced with regarding my serving on the talk team for an upcoming Walk to Emmaus weekend. Heck of a time to ask.

But God doesn't concern himself with human timing. He wants your heart now, and will help you through anything as long as you ask.

In actuality, my answer to serve on the Emmaus weekend could easily have gone either way. This was perhaps the hardest time I had to struggle for an answer. I did the only thing I could do - let it go with God and trust him to speak to me. He did - through Scripture. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart. (Matthew 11:29) is one piece of Scripture that really caught my eye. I had also brought my Bible along while we waited in the emergency room (jury duty and emergency rooms are two places where one should bring reading material). I was reading the Book of Job (of all things) in the ER. If you have any doubts regarding the Sovereignty of God, read the last five chapters of Job. Then I continued on with the Psalms (how calming!).

Despite any selfish reasons for saying no, my answer was yes. After all, He is God and I am not. From time to time I need to be reminded of that. Even Jesus needed to get away and recharge. Time for me to recharge.

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