I have to admit that just this morning I've braved a 40-minute wait in a checkout line at Best Buy, then to a bookstore (where I now have one Christmas gift on order), and then to Walmart for dog food and a few other sundry items (I didn't go to the Supercenter, though - what, are you nuts?)
Granted, it's a little early for me to Christmas shop - it's not even December yet. After all, I pride myself at having once started - and completing - my Christmas shopping in a record two hours on December 24. Something about the thrill of the hunt.
But at my older and wiser age, I've found the holidays to be a lot less hectic if I start earlier. The day after Thanksgiving is perhaps the earliest I've ever Christmas shopped. And you know what? There's still that thrill of the hunt. Let the Holiday Melee begin!
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