Friday, May 27, 2005

But Seriously, What's Up With All the Prescription Drugs?

I don't know about you, but I think we really need to be concerned about all the new designer drugs coming out these days. It doesn't matter what I'm watching on TV or reading in a magazine - I'm bound to be broadsided by a pharmaceutical company trying to sell their newest wonder drug.

I think it's immoral to be pushing these drugs onto a society where health care costs continue to skyrocket at rate that rivals that of a barrel of crude oil. Advertising in itself helps drive these costs up.

The other thing that really concerns me is that we keep hearing about drug recalls. Vioxx is a prime example - and it probably contributed to my wife's pancreatitis.

The drug companies claim a lot of the money they charge goes into research. If that's the case, then you had better get your research right.

1 comment:

Bar L. said...

I am appalled when I see the ads for certain drugs...for example Ambien. I am dependent on Ambien and trying to kick the habit. The ads say it's for use up to two weeks but my doctor told me I could take it for two YEARS! That was about 6 years ago.

On another note: I notice your other dog is a Standard Poodle! My good friend has a white one also, her name is Tasha (the dog not the friend) and I am her "babysitter" so I spend more time with Tasha than my friend. Tasha was diagnosed with cancer last year and happily is in remission after a long series of chemo.