Friday, May 27, 2005

Star Wars Fan Since 1977

We finally got to see Star Wars III - Revenge of the Sith today. Wow!

The special effects were outstanding, but I must say that some of the battle scenes seemed a little too busy (but maybe after giving George Lucas some more repeat business, I will be able to process them a little better). However, I really enjoyed seeing the story of the two trilogies come together. Some people who don't care for the Star Wars saga haven't really taken the time to understand the story - and it is fairly complex. Then again, as a Star Wars fan since its opening in 1977, I've had 28 years to digest the story line.

Revenge of the Sith in my opinion is probably the most anticipated prequel of all time. Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi allude to the events leading up to the trilogy. Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones set up the story, and Revenge of the Sith completes it. This film answers a lot of questions. We pretty much see how the characters of Star Wars got there in the first place.

Remember the holographic message of Princess Leia in Star Wars? She was seeking help from General Kenobi, the same man who helped her [adoptive] father during the Clone Wars. We see now how that happens.

Remember in Star Wars when Obi-Wan Kenobi gives Luke his father's light saber? We now see how Obi-Wan ended up with it.

But the focus of this film is on how Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, and believe me, it wasn't pretty. Fortunely he finally redeems himself in Return of the Jedi.

Although each episode - with perhaps the exception of Star Wars - is not necessarily the stuff of legend by themselves, one must consider the whole. The Star Wars saga is an epic adventure in American mythology, comporable to the Oddysey and Ilead of ancient Greek mythology. It is a morality play. Good beats evil.

It's odd to see a story that takes 28 years to play out, especially when the happy ending was revealed after only six years. But as with many happy endings, there is a long struggle in the middle leading up to it. That part of the story is just as crucial as the end. As for me, I'm quite satisfied with how it all played out.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree! Star Wars as a whole really is an excellent mythic saga. I think that is a great way to describe it.

Thanks for your comments at my post as well!
