Saturday, May 21, 2005

Why Are Dogs So Disgusting?

As per the vet's instructions I got a poop sample from Princess and took it in yesterday. They called back soon after to let us know she had hookworms. I was to come in and pick up some pills for her.

Princess is still having some potty-training issues (perhaps that's why she was abandoned). Early this morning was no exception - she left a sample in our bathroom. I know that because I caught Addie eating it. Although Addie is a prissy poodle, she's just one of those gross dogs. Her favorite delicacy is kitty bon-bons which she finds in Snoopy's litter box if we don't scoop them in time.

Anyhow, when I got to the vet's office this morning to pick up Princess' prescription, I asked if Addie might need one also due to her snacking habits. So $48 later, I came home with two little pills for Princess (of which she was to take one-and-a-half), and two big pills for Addie (of which she was to take both). The hookworms had better be cleared up.

Why are dogs so disgusting?

1 comment:

Bar L. said...

Paul, I don't have the answer as to WHY dogs are so disgusting, but I can tell you love dogs and so do I. And cats of course.

Sorry about the hookworms - our cats seem to get worms but the dogs remain worm-free.

Just sitting here listening to some great music. Do you like Kenny Loggins? He's a good guy. Met him years ago, but that's another story. Maybe I'll blog about it :)

God bless you!