Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Prayer for Al-Zarqawi

There was a report on Fox News that according to an al Qaeda website, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, the leader of the Iraqi branch of the terrorist organization, has been wounded. Prayers are being requested.

So, being the merciful Christian that I am, I offer this prayer:

Dear Lord, we are reminded of a powerful man named Saul, who was to the Christians as Heinrich Himmler was to the Jews. Then you came to him on that dusty road to Damascus. You changed his name. You changed his life. You turned a zealous enemy of The Way into a model of Christianity. Instead of quenching the spark, Paul fanned the flames of a wildfire.

As human beings, it is natural for us to wish the worst on our enemies. Forgive us, Lord, for we do not understand your will and your judgements.

So it is in the spirit of how you worked through the Apostle Paul, I pray now for Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. I pray that the injuries he may have received are a wake-up call, one that tells him, "No more killing my children." I pray that he be safely captured, so that he will have to face his accusers. If a humble spirit is in order, I pray that he faces utter discrace before his peers; for perhaps then and only then will he be able to receive your grace. For you, and only you, are the mighty and powerful Lord. Remind him. Remind us. Amen.

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