Our new puppy continues to get along well, albiet with a couple of accidents in the house (but she's smart, and she's starting to get it). I've got her signed up for puppy training at Petsmart.
A trip to the vet confirmed she's likely a mix of chihuahua, Jack Russell terrier, and/or rat terrier. He estimated her age to be between 10 months and a year. Her health is good, aside from being a little underfed. He also scanned her for a implanted microchip - she has none. She goes back in four weeks to get another booster and possibly to schedule her for getting spayed.
I'm very pleased at how well our puppy is socializing. Addie and Snoopy are a little annoyed with her at times, but that's life. The other day Snoopy hissed at her when she followed him into the kitchen with her nose in his butt (hey, if you're a cat walking around with your tail in the air, expect it!). Our grandson J spent the night with us last night and met her for the first time. No problem at all - they get along great. In fact, he's just big enough and she's just little enough that he was able to pick her up and put her in Grandma's lap. This morning J and I took both dogs out for a walk to the park, and it went just fine.
Probably the hardest thing to figure out the new puppy is what to name her. Several names have come up; I think we'll call her "Princess."
1 comment:
She's adorable! I can see the Rat Terrier in her (I have one). If you would like to see a picture of my pets check out teh photo seciton of my blog and you will see Chloe.
Good blog, by the way...I liked all of it not just the puppy picture :)
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