Monday, November 29, 2004
Pray For the Ukraine
Sunday, November 28, 2004
A Most Humbling Event
Saturday, November 27, 2004
It's Beginning To Look a Lot Like Christmas
David vs. Goliath = Israel vs. the World
This story is not just a struggle between two people, but a winner-takes-all battle between two peoples. It also symbolizes how Israel always has – and always will – prevail when God is on his side.
There are other Biblical references to how Israel has prevailed (and will prevail) in what appears to start off as a hopeless battle:
- Gideon defeats the Midianites [Judges 7]
- The fall of Jericho [Joshua 6]
- Israel defeats the Amalekites [Exodus 17:8-16]
- Israel’s enemies to be annhilated [Ezekiel 39]
Modern history also bears out God’s protection over Israel:
- Israeli War for Independence (1948-49)
- Sinai (Suez) War (1956)
- Six-Day War (1967)
- Yom Kippur War (1973)
- Raid on Iraq’s Osirik nuclear reactor (1981)
- Persian Gulf War (1991)
- Intifada (1988-92)
- Al-Aqsa Intifada (2000-present)
Time after time, Israel’s neighbors have tried to wipe them off the map, drive them into the sea, or whatever rhetoric they choose to use at the time, and yet they have failed every time. It’s not only hard to beat God – it’s impossible.
I believe the struggle between David and Goliath not only represents the battle between Israel and the Philistines, but the ongoing epic battle between Israel and the world that we are witnessing today. It doesn’t take much to notice that God is the God of Israel. Are we listening?
Thursday, November 25, 2004
Happy Thanksgiving

...plenty of fun (by the way, that's my grandson next to his grandma on the right and looking up at his Aunt D)...
...plenty of cute little kids...
...and an awesome Arizona sunset.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you.
Sunday, November 21, 2004
To Boldly Go Where I Haven't Gone Before
Saturday, November 20, 2004
My Trumpet Has Arrived

Well, tonight the trumpet I wrote about earlier arrived, somewhat battered as advertised. And as I was told before, it was not playable - at least initially.
I must have spent a good fifteen to twenty minutes inspecting it. You can tell it was probably dropped and repairs attempted by someone who didn't know how to repair a musical instrument. It's a little bent and dented, and the crossbraces were shabbily re-soldered, but the bell of the horn looks good. The valve action was still good on the first valve, not so good on the third valve, and the second valve was stuck altogether. The slides were in good shape. The finish is bad.
El Gato

Here's a picture of Snoopy taken with my new digital camera - he's trying to figure out what Dad is doing (Dad is trying to figure out what Dad is doing. Dad will be spending considerable time figuring out how to use his new toy, and he will be subjecting his blog readers to plenty of inane photos I'm sure).
Friday, November 19, 2004
Memorial Service For A Saint
A Soldier Is Home On Leave
One More Semester
Roundabout Way to Get A Promotion
Putting Politics Aside

I always think it's cool to see a bunch of Presidents together (and notice that Carter and Bush, Sr. - the guys who have been retired the longest - are smiling. Of course, they've had the most fun.)

I love this shot of Chelsea and her dad. I think this precious moment between a father and a daughter puts a very human face on Clinton, who until four years ago was the most powerful man in the free world. I predict this will be one of the Photos of the Year in many publications. Heck, I'd give it the Pulitzer.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
Days Like Today Make it Hard to Act Christlike

Margaret Hassan
The picture above is of Margaret Hassan, chief of the relief organization CARE. She is now presumed dead, murdered by those who thought of her line of work as a threat.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
A Rather Spiritual Evening
Monday, November 15, 2004
Long Weekend
Friday, November 12, 2004
Netherlands the Latest Religious Battleground
A Terrorist Is Laid to Rest
Feeling Yucky
Wednesday, November 10, 2004
Turn the Page - A New Chapter Begins
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
Generalissimo Arafat Is Still Alive - For Now
A Burst of Busy-ness
The Red Shift
Saturday, November 06, 2004
A New (Used) Trumpet For Me?
My wife, S, was talking to a neighbor today and mentioned I was over at ASU meeting up with the alumni band. She asked what instrument I played and S her I used to play the trumpet. Well it turns out this lady has an old trumpet that one of her music students used to use. It looks like crap and is probably not even playable. She was just going to get rid of it, but couldn't bring herself to do it.
As I was listening to this, I was surprised to find myself thinking how wonderful it would be to have a trumpet again. I haven't felt that in a long time (and usually only when I was checking out a "school horn" when I played in the alumni band). Imagine my delight when S went on to say she would like to give it to someone else instead of just get rid of it - and would I be interested? I said yes. I don't care what it looks like, and with a little refurbishing, perhaps we could get it playing again.
Reunion Time
Friday, November 05, 2004
Wednesday, November 03, 2004
Final Results - Maybe
252*** John F. Kerry (D)
Well, wasn't that fun?
Well Thank God That's Over
Tuesday, November 02, 2004
Nice Turnout
Monday, November 01, 2004
Election Eve Projection
238*** John F. Kerry (D)
All this hinges on Bush taking Ohio and Florida. I am also predicting a surprise in that predominately Democratic Hawaii will go to Bush (not sure why, but I'll take it). When the electoral college meets, don't be surprised to see one electoral vote from Maine going to Bush.