Tuesday, November 09, 2004

A Burst of Busy-ness

Well, it sure got busy the last few days.
You already read about my Saturday. I still have a pretty nice sunburn from sitting in my lawnchair during band practice (ain't Arizona great this time of year?).
Sunday started with a little bit of preparation for a Stephen Ministry workshop scheduled for the afternoon. Then came the church service in which the choir sang John Rutter's Requiem. During rehearsal before the service, I took it upon myself as choir chaplain to give the choir one last little pep talk. I repeated something said before by Bob Moody, Director of the Phoenix Symphony Chorus. I told them that the piece we were singing says a lot about our faith and that we needed to sing it as if we truly believed in what we were singing - or at least put on a real good act. I added that I knew this choir better - that they did believe in what they were singing - and to sing what they believed. The service was beautiful - and I believe the Holy Spirit truly filled us and those who heard us.
After church was a luncheon and then I continued to set up my part of the workshop which got underway in earnest at about 1:30. I didn't stay for the entire workshop, though; I had another performance of the Requiem to do.
Late afternoon found us at St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church where we sang the Rutter Requiem as part of the celebration of their Mass. Again, another beautiful service.
It was raining as I drove home from the concert, and I realized that despite being part of two communion services that day, I had not actually received communion. Ah, the sacrifices we sometimes make as musicians (although understandably it was not our place to receive communion at the Catholic church).
Monday was back to work, but the evening was busy once again. My brother-in-law was back in town on business and had arranged to have a mini-family reunion at a local ice cream parlor.
So tonight was the first time I really had a good block of quality time in which to sit down and blog.
Tonight, I do need to share a burden that's been on my heart for a few days. I have a friend in the choir whose son is an Army soldier in Iraq. He is due to be home on leave next week. However, he is stationed just outside of Falluja, very close to where the fighting is. I just pray for his safety while he's still there, and for his safe return home. I'm really looking forward to seeing M again and listen to what he has to say about what's going on there.

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