Saturday, November 06, 2004

Reunion Time

Here's a little something from my past: during my college years I was a trumpet player in the Sun Devil Marching Band at Arizona State University. What a fun experience that was!

Today was Homecoming. I went over to ASU and watched the alumni band practice and ran into a few old friends. I was somewhat disappointed that more from "my generation" weren't there, but I understand (I've not been able to attend as often as I'd have liked). Nonetheless, I was happy to see those I did, and to share the old stories.

Walking around the campus was interesting. Most of the old familiar places were still there. Some had been transformed over the years (amazing what a difference 25 years can make). Still other things and places were new, and seemed a little out place compared to my memory. It's amazing how they can construct new buildings in some of the tightest places.

I didn't join in with the alumni band as far as playing. My obligations this weekend (two performances of John Rutter's Requiem tomorrow and a Stephen Ministry convention at church as well) are just too much and I need to save myself. But it was fun to watch the rehearsal and talk with some of my old friends. It was also pretty cool to turn the TV on to tonight's game between ASU and Stanford just in time to see a couple of seconds of the tail end of the alumni band's pregame show, and say to my wife, "I watched them rehearse that!" All in all, a wonderful day.

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