Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Generalissimo Arafat Is Still Alive - For Now

Boy, listening to the news of the ongoing life struggle of Yasser Arafat is like listening to an old Saturday Night Live sketch.
A few days ago, I was of the belief that Arafat was being kept alive on life support until they could figure where to bury him. Once that was settled, the plug would have been pulled. Well now it seems to be settled that he will be buried in his compound in Ramallah and that will become some sort of shrine. And Arafat lives.
Here's a man, leader of many, and considered by many to still be a terrorist. After decades of bitter struggle, his life is not ending in a blaze of glory, but in the haze of frailty - a purgatory of sorts between life and death.
Perhaps the one I pity the most is his wife, Suha. While some try feverishly to seek an audience with their fallen leader, she is simply trying to make the best of whatever time she has left with him. Perhaps she is trying her best to hold on and not let him go.
What of the Palestinian people? The world holds its collective breath as they await Arafat's final breath. Will Palestine fall into anarchy? Whether peaceful or not, Arafat seems the only one truly capable of holding his people together. Or will peace become more reachable? I tend to believe the former. This could be a defining moment in God's Timetable. Only time will tell. Perhaps even the next 24 hours.

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