Friday, December 17, 2004

A Few Changes To This Blog

I'm going to make a few more changes to this blog, so please bear with me. I'm going to eliminate the Religion and Politics page altogether and fold all of those posts into the main page.

Why? Just to make editing and posting somewhat easier for me, of course. If you've visited here before you may have noticed that I like to play around with the look of the pages. I usually do that on a blog set up just for experimentation and editing, then I copy and paste to the rest of the pages. It's a little time consuming (but fun, nonetheless) to do it that way. I also figure that the Pancreatitis and the Travelogue pages should have their own look (maybe a map for a background on the Travelogue and - I don't know - little pancreases for the Pancreatitis page?)

I also figured that in some cases, the editorial content between Religion and Politics and the main page is in somewhat of a gray area. Sure, some of it is purely religious, some purely political, and some purely nonesense. Some may say it's all nonsense!

Anywho, that's what's going on here. It may or may not take a while to get 35 posts from Religion and Politics reposted over here, but what the heck? I hope you enjoy what I have planned.

1 comment:

Paul said...

I have to admit this didn't take as long as I expected.