Sunday, September 26, 2004

Another War on the Horizon?

Both Israel and Iran seem to be gearing up for a showdown.
Iran has pretty much thumbed their noses at the world and continue to develop their nuclear capability for what they claim to be peaceful purposes. We also know that they hate Israel.
The world isn't buying it, especially Israel, which just purchased from the U.S. a bunch of bunker-busting bombs. These would be perfect for punching through the steel and concrete structure of a nuclear reactor. And if you remember your history, Israel has already done something like this - against an Iraqi reactor in 1981.
One of the prophecies regarding Israel states that the Temple would be rebuilt and that is where the Anti-Christ while set up his abomination (Daniel 9:27). Only one problem (well, several). There's already some mosques on the Temple Mount, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque (one of, if not the largest in the world), and an underground mosque carved out in the mount where Solomon's Stables once stood.
But the temple mount may not remain intact too much longer. In fact, it's in danger of imminent collapse. This has been a problem for a couple years, and all sides have been bickering over what to do about it. There have been bulges forming in the walls which Jordanian engineers have been working feverishly to fix. But it may not work. In fact, some (myself included) believe that the imminent collapse could be the very Hand of God at work.
By the way, even if one wall should collapse, it would destroy everything on the Temple Mount, including the Al-Aqsa Mosque.
For years Muslims have been excavating under the the Temple Mount, probably plundering and destroying Jewish artifacts, but also building an underground mosque that can hold some 30,000 worshippers. Israeli officials have tried in vain to warn of the dangers. The Muslims claim that the Israelis just don't want them worshipping there (which is also probably true).
Anyhow, can you imagine the fallout (no pun intended) if the Temple Mount collapses? With all the saber-rattling going on already, I believe this could be the flashpoint of the next Middle East war.

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