Saturday, September 11, 2004

What's on my mind?

You know, I've done blogging before, but it's been a while (I know - I just checked out my profile here). With everything that's on my mind, I figured I needed to get down to business and just write down my thoughts. This way, any of you folks who want to get to know me (although I can't imagine why) can do just that.

Anyway, it's a pretty quiet weekend so far (although I'm going to be busy getting this blog set up. Tomorrow should be fairly busy also as the Stephen Ministry will be doing a publicity push.

S (my wife) is taking it easy this weekend. Her pancreatitis is still bothering her but she manages to work through the pain. I just pray she can hold it together until we get her fixed better. She's scheduled to see Dr. H at Mayo on October 6. Dr. M has pretty much said in so many words (and deeds) that she can't really help her. That's okay because we can move on. Dr. H. did find things last April that could cause S some problems. Well, she's got problems. But at least we know where to go from here.

We got lots of prayer support from the Emmaus community during the Gathering last night. That's always a good thing. After all, she needs a miracle right now. As for me, I'm doing okay.

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