Sunday, September 26, 2004

Joyful Noise, the Ministry, and Opportunities

Our praise band Joyful Noise played at the luncheon after church. We debuted some new tunes and reworked a couple of others we had done sporadically in the past. All in all I think we were quite pleased with our performance. I even heard someone humming one of our tunes afterwards (that's always a good testimony).
My friend B has recently made it official - he has started the process of becoming a minister in the United Methodist Church. His calling came during the ordination service during Annual Conference; the still small voice in his heart said, "You should be here." So now he's heeding the call.
B is no stranger to what's involved - his dad served as a minister in the United Methodist Church in Montana for many years. B's family seems okay with it, too. My prayers are definitely with B and I think that I shall enjoy watching him go through this process.
I've had a few suggest that I should go into the ministry. Maybe someday. I've even envisioned myself serving as a chaplain in a hospital. But for now I just tell folks that I'm already in the ministry. I think a professional ministry for me now would be too distracting. I don't feel that my circumstances could warrant me making a career change. I also don't believe my faith to be strong enough to take on something like this.
By saying that I'm already in the ministry is because I'm part of the priesthood of all believers. We are all called upon by Jesus Christ to minister to one another. Yes, some are called to be pastors - those who are called to shepherd many. But I'm not so sure that's what God has planned for me.
My involvement in the music program at church is my first love. It was what God utilized to get me into the church in the first place. I have been blessed with a wonderful talent and a tremendous desire to use it. There are times when it gets taxing and I don't want to do it, but fortunately that doesn't happen often, and I always hold on to my first love.
But I do think God is leading me at least in the general direction of the ministry. I've always had a heart for the choir's spiritual well-being, and currently I serve as chaplain to the Sanctuary Choir. It is a tremendous blessing to shepherd - even if it's just a little bit - this flock that God has entrusted to me.
I've also become part of the Stephen Ministry. I felt that I had the spiritual gifts needed for this vital ministry and that I could learn some more about myself, particularly whether or not God was leading me into the ministry. It certainly has become a learning experience, one that has made me bolder in my faith. And besides, I have seen that what I do as a Stephen Minister can make a difference.
So what's next for me? I believe the next step for me is training as a Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church. Perhaps that will show me whether I desire to pursue going into the ministry or if I'm happy enough doing what I can as a layperson. We shall see.

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