305*** George W. Bush (R)
233*** John F. Kerry (D)
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Fresh Affirmation
I was going to my weekly small group this morning. At first J and I thought it was just us but then we met up with a man who J invited to join us and he had invited two others (who were already there but we didn't know them - yet). These guys just got off of the last men's Walk to Emmaus a few weeks ago. And I must say that I was very much delighted to meet these three men whose hearts so burned with the Holy Spirit.
This morning's meeting reminded me why I don't understand how people think they can stay close to God without going to church. God puts certain people in our lives to minister to us and for us to minister to. And in order to do that, Christians have to go out and be in contact with other Christians. There's no two ways about it.
As the Body of Christ, we need to feed off of each other. We need each other in order to share, to keep one another accountable, and to grow. I know for fact that I would not be where I am today - spiritually or otherwise - without my small group.
God, I thank you for the men you brought into fellowship with J and me today. Do with what you intend with our new friendships. Amen.
Friday, October 29, 2004
Arizona Ballot Initiatives

Here is a comprehensive look [sources: KTAR radio, Arizona Republic] at our ballot propositions and my position on each:
PROP 100 would allow swapping state trust land for public land. It would help protect our military bases from encroachment from development. YES.
PROP 100 would allow swapping state trust land for public land. It would help protect our military bases from encroachment from development. YES.
PROP 101 would require future petition initiatives from citizens to include a funding source to pay for it (but the state’s general fund). YES.
PROP 101 would require future petition initiatives from citizens to include a funding source to pay for it (but the state’s general fund). YES.
PROP 102 (Tech Transfer Initiative) would allow the State of Arizona to license or transfer interests in technology or intellectual property created or acquired by one of the three state universities (ASU, U of A, NAU) or the Arizona Board of Regents. In exchange, the state would receive ownership interests or securities in a company. YES.
PROP 102 (Tech Transfer Initiative) would allow the State of Arizona to license or transfer interests in technology or intellectual property created or acquired by one of the three state universities (ASU, U of A, NAU) or the Arizona Board of Regents. In exchange, the state would receive ownership interests or securities in a company. YES.
PROP 103 would allow people appointed as temporary justices of the peace to have the same qualifications as elected justices of the peace and also allow the temporary justices to live outside the area they are appointed to serve. YES.
PROP 103 would allow people appointed as temporary justices of the peace to have the same qualifications as elected justices of the peace and also allow the temporary justices to live outside the area they are appointed to serve. YES.
PROP 104 is in regards to ballot propositions and would allow petitions to be circulated for signatures up to 27 months before a general election and also requires the petitions to be filed with the Secretary of State's office at least seven months before the election. NO.
PROP 104 is in regards to ballot propositions and would allow petitions to be circulated for signatures up to 27 months before a general election and also requires the petitions to be filed with the Secretary of State's office at least seven months before the election. NO.
This only adds an additional three months to the current process. It is sufficient.
This only adds an additional three months to the current process. It is sufficient.
PROP 105 would make changes to the State Board of Education. It would expand the board from 8 to 10 members. One of the new members would be either a charter school owner or administrator. The other would be a member of the public. It would also replace a member of the Junior College Board with a Community College District President. YES.
PROP 105 would make changes to the State Board of Education. It would expand the board from 8 to 10 members. One of the new members would be either a charter school owner or administrator. The other would be a member of the public. It would also replace a member of the Junior College Board with a Community College District President. YES.
PROP 300 would raise state lawmakers salaries from $24,000 annually to $36,000 annually.
PROP 300 would raise state lawmakers salaries from $24,000 annually to $36,000 annually.
NO. Our legislature does not deserve it and frankly I’d like to see them forfeit their salary until they get the state budget out of the red.
PROP 401 (Maricopa County only) – essentially a bond issue which would allow expansion and improvement of the community college system. YES.
Let's Free Ourselves From Dependence on Oil
Osama bin Laden also says in his latest video tape that the United States should change its policy. Actually, there's something I think we should do.
So here's what I propose: Let's really work on finding an alternative fuel/power source that's practical and inexpensive. Let's do it in - oh, say - five years. Kind of like a new Manhattan Project. Let's make it so we could easily trade in our old cars and get a really nice credit for one of the newer cars. Then we wouldn't have to be dependent on our own oil, much less anyone else's oil, and our planet would get cleaner in a hurry. Wow, sounds pretty liberal! But we're eventually going to have to do it - there's only 30-40 years left in the world oil supply - why not now?
These Middle Eastern countries, whose false religion doesn't normally allow them to do business with infidels, yet allows them to sell out and compromise their own values so they can screw the infidels, will find themselves screwed. Other than oil, they have little to offer the rest of the world. They will have to get with the program if they want to continue to play with the rest of the world. They will have to dig themselves out of their Middle Ages mentality. And perhaps then, numbnuts like Osama bin Laden will be no more.
So let's change our policy and get the heck out of the Middle East!
October Surprise #2 - Bin Laden Speaks
That cowardly old pig, Osama bin Laden, has spoken again - although by video tape (since he's too much of a coward to actually appear publicly in any civilized place).
He's come out and said that he doesn't like George Bush. Duh. Like we didn't know that. He also doesn't like John Kerry. I've got news for you. He doesn't like Americans, period.
He also claims that he "told" Bush about 9/11 a month before it happened. A little strange when you consider that he didn't claim responsibility for 9/11 until some time after.
I think it's Osama's subtle way of telling you to vote for Kerry. Perhaps he's really trapped. Perhaps he feels that when he gets caught, Kerry will deal with him more sensitively.
Look, I think Osama is just trying to intimidate us. But Franklin Roosevelt once said that (and I paraphrase - sorry) the only one who can take away an American's right to vote is another American. The easiest way to do that is to simply not vote.
So get out and vote and show those pigs how we do things in America.
October Surprise #1 - Did the Russians Move Explosives Out of Iraq?
This past week it was revealed that hundreds of tons of explosives were missing from an Iraqi weapons facility. Then it was reported by the Washington Post that these explosives may have been moved out of Iraq with Russia’s help. All this stuff was supposedly shipped off to Syria, Lebanon, and maybe even Iran. It is possible that these materials were removed prior to the US invasion in March 2003. UN weapons inspectors confirmed their presence in January 2003, and were at the site on March 15, just five days before the war broke out. Removing the material would have required dozens of heavy trucks, and that would have been nearly impossible during the weeks before and weeks after the site was captured by US forces as the roads and highways in the area were constantly occupied by US military vehicles. And by the way, some of the missing stuff is used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons. Well isn’t that special?
Supposing this is all true, me thinks this poses even more questions. What did the Russians know and when did they know it? What else is missing in Iraq? Where is it now? It is believed that Russia provided Iraq with the bulk of its military hardware between the two wars, and they needed to get in and wipe out any trace that they had any arms deal with Iraq.
This looks real fishy to me, and it only underscores that the primary reason for going to war against Iraq – because they possessed WMD (weapons of mass destruction) – was justified. Many – including those who oppose the war now – believed then that there were WMD in Iraq. Those who dismiss the reports of WMD now have yet to give a plausible explanation as to why all of a sudden Iraq didn’t have WMD. Just because we haven’t found them in massive quantities doesn’t mean they’re not there. If a deliberate effort was made to conceal them prior to the US invasion, they could be anywhere – even out of the country. All we need is a smoking gun. Perhaps we’ve found one.
Supposing this is all true, me thinks this poses even more questions. What did the Russians know and when did they know it? What else is missing in Iraq? Where is it now? It is believed that Russia provided Iraq with the bulk of its military hardware between the two wars, and they needed to get in and wipe out any trace that they had any arms deal with Iraq.
This looks real fishy to me, and it only underscores that the primary reason for going to war against Iraq – because they possessed WMD (weapons of mass destruction) – was justified. Many – including those who oppose the war now – believed then that there were WMD in Iraq. Those who dismiss the reports of WMD now have yet to give a plausible explanation as to why all of a sudden Iraq didn’t have WMD. Just because we haven’t found them in massive quantities doesn’t mean they’re not there. If a deliberate effort was made to conceal them prior to the US invasion, they could be anywhere – even out of the country. All we need is a smoking gun. Perhaps we’ve found one.
Potential October Surprises
Well, it looks like this week’s news has revealed some potential October Surprises just before next week’s Presidential Election. Of course at this time we still need history to play out before we know the full ramifications of these stories. But you know me – I just feel I need to comment on some of the stuff going on here. So read on to my next posts…
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Good Church and the Wingnut
When S and I were attending a different church, there was another tenor in the choir who was fond of saying, "Good church," whenever the sermon and the music was good.
I got to church during the contemporary service just in time to see and hear the new contemporary choir perform. They did a nice job, and I made sure I let the director, S, know.
Today in the traditional service the choir sang Franz Schubert's The Lord Is My Shepherd - this was probably the best we've ever sung it, and probably the best anthem we've sung all season. Pastor D had a pretty good sermon today, too, bringing up some of the issues brought up in Dan Brown's The DaVinci Code and reminding us that we can trust the four Gospels as the gospel truth. Good church.
Oh, by the way, at our Wednesday evening service we started a three-part series on The DaVinci Code. Our guest speaker, Dr. O, presented some interesting material. We had an excellent turnout that night - 105 people showed up according to Pastor D (which was right around my guestimate of just over 100)
We had our grandson J (I call him the wingnut) overnight last night. He was a little rambuncious (normal for a 4-year-old) but otherwise pretty good. We a fun time playing with him. After his bathtime and getting him in his jammies, Grandma put in a Disney movie and he was fast asleep within a half-hour.
I kept myself busy yesterday scanning photos of my USSR/Poland trip in 1990 - look for those to show up as links on my travelogue page.
Overall, a pretty good weekend.
Boycott Shamrock Foods

Do like the idea of light rail? Do you support Proposition 400? If not, do nothing.
But if you do, I have an idea - a grassroots effort to send a message to Shamrock Foods, a corporate sponsor of the campaign opposing Proposition 400. We don't just have to vote at the polls on this one - we can vote with our wallets, too. I propose a boycott of Shamrock Foods, and to contact the Arizona Diamondbacks organization to drop Shamrock Foods as a sponsor. You can e-mail Shamrock Foods at: mailto:emailazinfo@shamrockfoods.com and the Arizona Diamondbacks at this link. I've even provided a letter you can just cut and paste in your message.
We, the responsible citizens of Arizona and Maricopa County, support Proposition 400 in its efforts to continue developing a comprehensive transportation system for Maricopa County. It is no secret that as our state continues to grow, a good transportation system is needed. This includes freeways, freeway improvements, expanded and improved bus transit system, street and signal improvements. 86 percent of the sales tax revenue raised by passage of Proposition 400 will go to these projects. We also recognize that there are some who oppose light rail already approved by the citizens of Phoenix, Tempe, and Mesa and under construction. Only 14 percent of the sales tax revenue would go to funding expansion of the light rail system already under construction, therefore making the light rail system even more effective. Opponents would deprive the citizens of Maricopa County of a comprehensive and effective transportation system. We feel it is irresponsible of Shamrock Foods, as a corporation, to be aligned with such effort. We therefore believe it is in our best interest to impose a boycott of all products sold by Shamrock Foods and to contact the Arizona Diamondbacks baseball club to drop Shamrock Foods as a corporate sponsor of the Diamondbacks. Thank you.
I don't know if this will actually work, but it may raise some eyebrows.
Problems for Prop 200 and Prop 400

Well, it seems there are some legal challenges already to a couple of our ballot propositions.
Regarding Proposition 200, The Arizona Republic reports that, "nearly 90 percent (13,482 of 15,059) of the initiatives circulated with the petitions said the measure would require proof of citizenship for 'public welfare benefits.' The ballot language officially states 'public benefits,' a broader term that has caused intense debate over exactly what benefits would be affected." Hmm...I just said something like that in my last post.
There is also legal challenge involving Proposition 400, according to another article in the Arizona Republic, although it sounds like there is no real basis to this one other than dirty politics. But you know what, I have an idea...check out my next post.
Friday, October 22, 2004
Proposition 400 (Maricopa County)

Here's another hot potato. Propostition 400 (in Maricopa County only) would extend the half-cent sales tax passed in 1985 to improve our transporation systems for another 20 years. It's estimated that it will raise some $8.98 billion dollars in revenue.
Most of the revenue (56.2%) generated by the sales tax will go into freeway/highway projects, including four new freeways, added general-purpose lanes and HOV lanes on existing freeways, new interchanges, maintenence (especially litter pickup and landscaping), freeway management system to improve traffic flow, and walls and rubberized asphalt to reduce noise.
Another 19.9% of this revenue would go into expanding and enhancing the bus system, increase vanpool and dial-a-ride service, and improve transit security. There would be more bus stops and more bus pullouts (boy, nothing messes up traffic more than a bus just sitting in the street).
Improvements to arterial streets, including "smart signals" that sense traffic conditions at key intersections, would receive 10.2% of this revenue.
What's gotten some people really keyed up about Prop 400 is the 14.4% of revenue that would go to Phoenix's light rail currently under construction. It's no secret that there are some that are opposed to light rail, and although it's already been approved and is already under construction, these people won't let it go. It is said that no matter how many times you run over a dead cat, it's still dead.
When we first moved here in 1961, Phoenix was the 29th largest city in the nation; Arizona had four electoral votes. Now Phoenix is the fifth largest city in the US; at nearly 1.4 million people, Phoenix (not even including the surrounding communities which add another 1.9 million) is bigger than what the entire population of Arizona was in 1960. Arizona now has 10 electoral votes, making it worth a few more stops by candidates running for President. To say that Phoenix and Arizona have grown considerably in my lifetime is an understatement.
There used to be a considerable small-town mentality in Phoenix (it's still there in Tucson to some extent). Farsighted planners back in the 60's saw the need for a new freeway in Phoenix. But the small-town mentality kept that delayed nearly 20 years. By 1985, we not only needed the new freeway, we needed several. The half-cent sales tax was approved, and a lot of freeways got built.
There's still more to go on the freeways, but we're getting there. Actually, I like the fact that I was able to get S to her appointment at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in 30 minutes. 20 years ago, the same drive would have taken at least an hour, and with a greater risk of getting in a traffic accident.
But, alas, the small-town mentality still thrives here. Perhaps they don't realize that a 20-mile light rail system will be even more effective, but only if you expand it. Perhaps they don't mind paying $2.13 per gallon of gasoline (and that's cheap). Perhaps they've already forgotten last year's gasoline shortage - when the smaller of two gasoline pipelines connected to Phoenix ruptured (boy, the bus ridership sure shot up that month - what would happen if the bigger pipeline was shut down?).
The San Francisco Bay Area has a wonderful regional transit system. Whenever I've been there, I never needed to drive. Without a comprehensive transportation system, that area would not be a very pleasant place to live.
Phoenix is a great place - that's why over 2 million people have moved here since my family first arrived. But if you're going to make this a bigger city and use up my water and pollute my air, then you have to pay the price. There's no getting around it. That includes includes mass transit. You can miss the boat and choke in traffic. Or you can be brave and embrace the possibilities and flexiblity of a comprehensive transportation system. I'm voting YES on 400.
Proposition 200 - "Protect Arizona Now"

As the election comes upon us, I feel the need to air my views on the ballot propositions. I thought I'd start off with one that seems to garner the most controversy.
Proposition 200 (Protect Arizona Now) would require documentation of citizenship when registering to vote and to show ID at the polling station. It would also require proof of citizenship when applying for public benefits, and require state and local government employees who discover a violation of federal immigration law to make a written report to federal immigration authorities and those failing to do so could be prosecuted.
Prop 200 was proposed under the guise of stopping election fraud. Election fraud is not a problem here. If I were to show up at my polling station and someone had already signed my name in the book, you'd better believe I'd say something about that. So would everyone else. But it ain't happening here.
There is also no clear definition of what public benefits would require proof of citizenship. At this point it could be quite arbitrary. Emergency workers are concerned that they could face a hefty fine for treating an illegal alien. I know of a health care professional who works in one of the local hospitals that frequently treat indigent patients. There's a lot of paperwork concerned with these folks, but she's more concerned about treating the patient.
Granted the effects of illegal immigration are staggering in Arizona. Our health care system and our schools are overburdened and not getting paid for rendering these services. Phoenix is a major hub for the smuggling of human beings.
We also have to contend with coyotes. I'm not talking about the wild dogs we sometimes see out in the outskirts of town. No, coyotes are the scumbags that are are dealing in the trade of human beings, stuffing dozens of them into one small house, or cramming them into the back of a truck with no air conditioning while driving (usually recklessly) across the desert in the 100+ degree heat. Coyotes are right down there with murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug pushers, and terrorists. Arizona has become more dangerous thanks to these buttheads.
Ah, but I digress. Yes, illegal immigration is a serious problem in Arizona. And we do need to send Washington a message. We need to better secure our border with Mexico. But Prop 200 is totally inappropriate. It will not protect Arizona now, or in the future. It will just add more bureaucracy and further burden our state budget, just as it has done in New Mexico, where they still have an illegal immigration problem. I am voting NO on Prop 200.
Wednesday, October 20, 2004
An Unexpected Spiritual Retreat
Today S and I were at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Scottsdale. While she was under and being checked out (see blog entry on the Pancreatitis page), I walked around and explored the hospital. I was eventually led to go to into the chapel.
It was a smaller space than I expected but very nice. The main room of the chapel had indirect lighting in a domed ceiling that gradually changed colors every (approximately) five seconds or so. There was also a recording of falling rain and distant chirping birds. I also thought I heard a faint whisper of a cello playing. You can also hear the piano playing from out in the main lobby. It was very peaceful and relaxing.
The front wall of main room was mostly stained glass representing the Tree of Life with a cross subtly superimposed on it. Along the walls in the main room where panes of frosted glass etched with either a Bible verse or an inspirational quote.
What struck me most though is when I went to read the prayer book. These were some of the most heartfelt prayers I've ever witnessed. They were from people who didn't know what was happening to their loved ones, yet trusted God to help. There were even a few from those who were patients themselves. Some pleaded with God to help put together their own shattered lives. Many thanked God for getting them through so far. I saw some in Spanish, and one in a language whose alphabet I didn't even recognize. I also found a page of prayers on behalf of a young man who lost his life, including one from his mother. At the bottom of the page were the encouraging words of a friend reminding them that they would see him again in heaven.
As I thumbed through the pages, I noticed several prayers written by the same person. From what I gather, he was a young Jewish man (he made references to Rosh Hoshanna and wrote a sentence which appeared to be in Hebrew), and I believe he was praying for his daughter. His was the most inspirational to me. They were so full of hope and trust - and this guy wasn't afraid to be real. They usually started with something like, "Hey, it's me again." Many times, we often forget to thank God for his blessings, but this guy didn't. There were quite a few times where he expressed his gratitude by saying, "God, YOU ROCK!"
May we all be able to be as enthusiastic in our praise of God. And you know what, God? You do rock! Thanks!
Hey Yankees! Who's Your Daddy?
Well, it certainly was nice to see the Evil Empire go down in flames, and that the Boston Red Sox have made the World of Baseball safe again. It was nice to see Curt Schilling have a great game last night, just like he did when he and Randy Johnson put the Yankees away in the 2001 World Series (Ah, the glory days of the D-Backs).
Tuesday, October 19, 2004
Does He or Doesn't He? I Can't Tell?
Here's some interesting quotes from Senator John F. Kerry:
On the Iraq War:
“George, I said at the time I would have preferred if we had given diplomacy a greater opportunity, but I think it was the right decision to disarm Saddam Hussein, and when the President made the decision, I supported him, and I support the fact that we did disarm him.” ABC News, Democrat Presidential Candidate Debate, Columbia SC, 4 May 2003
“I voted to threaten the use of force to make Saddam Hussein comply with the resolutions of the United Nations.”
Sen. John Kerry, Remarks At Announcement Of Presidential Candidacy, Mount Pleasant SC, 2 September 2003
CHRIS MATTHEWS: “Do you think you belong to that category of candidates who more or less are unhappy with this war, the way it’s been fought, along with General Clark, along with Howard Dean and not necessarily in companionship politically on the issue of the war with people like Lieberman, Edwards and Gephardt? Are you one of the anti-war candidates?”
KERRY: “I am -- Yes, in the sense that I don’t believe the president took us to war as he should have, yes, absolutely.”
MSNBC’s Hardball, 6 January 2004
On the PATRIOT Act:
The PATRIOT Act was passed nearly unanimously by the Senate 98-1, and 357-66 in the House. (H.R. 3162, CQ Vote #313: Passed 98-1: R 49-0; D 48-1; I 1-0, 25 October 2001;, Kerry Voted Yea)
“Most of [The Patriot Act] has to do with improving the transfer of information between CIA and FBI, and it has to do with things that really were quite necessary in the wake of what happened on September 11th.”
Sen. John Kerry, Remarks At Town Hall Meeting, Manchester NH, 6 August 2003
“We are a nation of laws and liberties, not of a knock in the night. So it is time to end the era of John Ashcroft. That starts with replacing the Patriot Act with a new law that protects our people and our liberties at the same time. I’ve been a District Attorney and I know that what law enforcement needs are real tools not restrictions on American’s basic rights.”
Sen. John Kerry, Remarks At Iowa State University, Iowa City IA, 1 December 2003
The provisions of the PATRIOT Act were pretty clear from the beginning. Why would Senator Kerry vote for something he disagreed with? Or did he just not read it? Or understand it?
On the first Gulf War
(two different letters to the SAME constituent):
"Thank you for contacting me to express your opposition ... to the early use of military force by the US against Iraq. I share your concerns. On January 11, I voted in favor of a resolution that would have insisted that economic sanctions be given more time to work and against a resolution giving the president the immediate authority to go to war.’
--letter from Senator John Kerry to Wallace Carter of Newton Centre, Massachusetts, dated January 22 [1991]
"Thank you very much for contacting me to express your support for the actions of President Bush in response to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. From the outset of the invasion, I have strongly and unequivocally supported President Bush’s response to the crisis and the policy goals he has established with our military deployment in the Persian Gulf.’
--letter from Senator John Kerry to Wallace Carter of Newton Centre, dated January 31 [1991]
On critisizing the President over the Iraq War:
In March 2003, Kerry Promised Not To Attack President When War Began. “Senator John F. Kerry of Massachusetts … said he will cease his complaints once the shooting starts. ‘It’s what you owe the troops,’ said a statement from Kerry, a Navy veteran of the Vietnam War. ‘I remember being one of those guys and reading news reports from home. If America is at war, I won’t speak a word without measuring how it’ll sound to the guys doing the fighting when they’re listening to their radios in the desert.’”
Glen Johnson, “Democrats On The Stump Plot Their War Rhetoric,” The Boston Globe, 11 March 2003
But Weeks Later, With Troops Just Miles From Baghdad, Kerry Broke His Pledge. “‘What we need now is not just a regime change in Saddam Hussein and Iraq, but we need a regime change in the United States,’ Kerry said in a speech at the Peterborough Town Library. Despite pledging two weeks ago to cool his criticism of the administration once war began, Kerry unleashed a barrage of criticism as US troops fought within 25 miles of Baghdad.”
Glen Johnson, “Kerry Says Us Needs Its Own ‘Regime Change,’” The Boston Globe, 11 April 2003
You know, if you're going to stick your foot in your mouth, at least have the presence of mind not to do it in front of the same newspaper reporter.
On the environment (both quotes made 22 April 2004):
At a Houston “Earth Day” rally, John Kerry told his supporters that he truly dislikes gas-guzzling SUVs because they are poor for the environment. Because of this, he once proposed a 50-cent gas tax increase. Kerry said that he supports increasing fuel economy standards to 36 miles per gallon by 2015 in order to reduce America’s dependence on foreign oil. He also said that he has talked to Ford about making a hybrid car his new “campaign car.”
During a conference call the same day, Kerry was asked whether he owned a Chevrolet Suburban. He replied, “I don’t own an SUV…the family has it. I don’t have it."
Actually it has been revealed that “the family” also owns a Land Rover Defender, a Jeep Cherokee, a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and an Audi Allroad.
Don't look at me - I own a Saturn that gets 35 mpg in the city.
And if your computer has the ability, listen to these sound bites that come directly from the Senator's mouth.
Look, I don't agree with everything the President has done. But at least I know where he stands - firm within his convictions.
I consider myself a fairly intelligent person, but am I missing Senator Kerry's message? What do I not get? I don't know what his convictions are, let alone know how he's going to handle a particular situation. He takes all sides of an issue. A leader cannot do that. That to me indicates a follower, not a leader.
Monday, October 18, 2004
Lego Church

I used to play with Legos when I was a kid - but this is amazing! The detail in this church is - well - quite detailed. There's even an organist in the back and a cute little choir off to the side. I'm thinkin' a Christmas Eve candlelight service would look pretty awesome in here. Click on any of the images for a closer look. Thanks, J, for sending this to me.
Still Undecided?
Still undecided? Here's something I found that I really liked from MSNBC. It shows where each presidential candidate stands on the issues. In fact you can click on whoever's position is closest to yours and it will give a score showing which candidate is most suitable for you. Enjoy.
Sunday, October 17, 2004
Attention Arizona Voters!

I've added a link especially for my neighbors here in Arizona. It is a voters guide from the Center for Arizona Policy.
It contains a survey of responses to key questions posed to candidates running for elected office in the State of Arizona, as well as Maricopa and Pima Counties.
Hey, you know what you want in a candidate; use this informaton so you can choose wisely. After all, we now have 10 Electoral Votes!
President Bush's Stand on Key Domestic Issues
I have a link here to President Bush's stand on key domestic issues. It comes courtesy of the Center for Arizona Policy, which I've already listed as a link for my Arizona neighbors. These are answers to a survey sent out to all candidates appearing on the ballot in Arizona.
As of yet, there is no response from Senator Kerry. If that should appear, I will post it.
Please make good use of this information to make an informed decision on Election Day.
Voter Registration Deadline Looms Near For Few
Have you registered to vote yet? According to my sources, in most cases it's too late. If you live in Iowa, Kansas, or South Dakota you still have (very little) time - get off the computer (unless you can register online) and go register. You can read the rest of this when you get back.
If you live in Alabama, Connecticut, Maine, Vermont, Washington, or Wisconsin, you still have some time, but it's running out.
If you live in New Hampshire, you can register at the polls, so don't let the excuse of not being registered dissuade you.
And did you know that in North Dakota, you don't even have to be registered in order to vote? Kinda ironic when you consider that here in Arizona we have a proposition on the ballot that, if passed, we will need to provide proof of citizenship to vote (don't even get me started on that).
The other day I saw a public service announcement on the TV by (Friends star) Jennifer Anniston. I really liked her message. She basically asked if you would be willing to let someone else choose what clothes to wear or who you could go out with, and if not, why would you let someone else choose your elected officials? So get out and vote.
Now if you didn't register but are otherwise eligible to vote, don't complain to me if "your" candidate doesn't get elected or "your" ballot initiative doesn't go your way.
Friday, October 15, 2004
Here's Something You Don't See Everyday

Hey, down in front!
This image was taken by the Mount St. Helens VolcanoCam (sorry, the Feds won't let me link to it - but you can find it on Google). Most times it's not as interesting as when a fly lands on the lens. You also can't see anything at night (unless it's fairly actve) and/or when the weather's bad. But at at other times it can be downright spectacular...check it out.
Wednesday, October 13, 2004
Ramblin' Man
It's been a little busy lately but nothing too intense.
S and I had a movie date Friday and saw I Robot. I thought it was pretty good - a typical Isaac Asimov tale complete the usual plot twists. Wonderful effects. The lead robot in the film even sounded a lot like HAL from 2001: A Space Odyssey. And Will Smith did his usual good job with his acting (he's not just a rap artist, you know). James Cromwell had a prominent role, too, even though his character died in the opening minutes.
The rest of the weekend wasn't too good for S, though. She was pretty sick on Sunday. She seems to have overdone it on Friday and Saturday, and we're calling this severe indigestion. And she's fine now. Dr. H did tell her last week that although her pancreas is probably healing, it may have lost some of it's functionality throughout all her episodes. In other words, S can't eat like she used to.
At my office we moved over the weekend. Just shuffling people to new desks mostly. Some folks were reassigned to different team leaders, but for the most part, the rest of us stayed on the same team. I moved to a new desk across the aisle five feet away. I even had to pack some of my stuff into a box so the movers could move it to my new desk. On Monday I was glad to see that my box made it okay. Oh, and our team all got new flat-panel monitors - how cool is that? We were selected to test the new monitors (they were plugged in and hooked up - hey, they work!)
Well, that is all. 'Nite.
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Vote For the Children
Last night's episode of WB's Seventh Heaven emphasized how important it is to vote, and was well-written as well as amusing. Ruthie, the youngest daughter now in ninth grade, was faced with an interesting question - what did she stand for? Ruthie didn't know how to answer that question and spent a good part of the episode trying to figure that out. What she said toward the end was quite profound (and sorry, I paraphrase here): It's too bad that children can't vote - the world would be a much better place if they did. Perhaps she has a point.
The shows ending began with various children saying to the audience, "Vote for me," (as in, "vote for my sake"), and ended with the adults with the simple admonition, "Vote."
Saturday, October 09, 2004
Israel In Prophecy - Part 3
The Future
WARNING: This is not for the faint-hearted.
This has to do with the future of Israel. You skeptics out there aren’t going to like this. But let me say one thing: in no way, shape, or form am I telling you when all this is going to transpire. For not even Jesus knows. [Matthew 24:36-41]. Just read on and make your own conclusions (or go away).
So…what about Israel’s future? You might want to take a look at Ezekiel 38. I think it’s pretty obvious here that God will put into the hearts and minds of Israel’s enemies to gather for a massive military strike against Israel. Even the timing – the latter days – is mentioned. [Ezekiel 38:4-9].
This chapter even describes Israel as a land of unwalled villages (just as it is today) and mentions other nations questioning the intent of the attackers yet seeming doing nothing about it otherwise [Ezekiel 38:10-13]. There’s even mention of attackers from the far north – Russia perhaps? [Ezekiel 38:6]
To summarize, Ezekiel 38:14-16 seems to indicate a massive sneak attack – again from the far north – upon the nation of Israel. This attack is intended to show the world that God is in charge and that Israel is His people.
When we read on through chapter 39, it reiterates that Israel’s enemies will be led out to destroy Israel yet be destroyed themselves. Verses 11-16 even tell us where the dead will be buried and that it will take seven months to find all the remains.
So who are all the players in this drama besides Israel?
WARNING: This is not for the faint-hearted.
This has to do with the future of Israel. You skeptics out there aren’t going to like this. But let me say one thing: in no way, shape, or form am I telling you when all this is going to transpire. For not even Jesus knows. [Matthew 24:36-41]. Just read on and make your own conclusions (or go away).
So…what about Israel’s future? You might want to take a look at Ezekiel 38. I think it’s pretty obvious here that God will put into the hearts and minds of Israel’s enemies to gather for a massive military strike against Israel. Even the timing – the latter days – is mentioned. [Ezekiel 38:4-9].
This chapter even describes Israel as a land of unwalled villages (just as it is today) and mentions other nations questioning the intent of the attackers yet seeming doing nothing about it otherwise [Ezekiel 38:10-13]. There’s even mention of attackers from the far north – Russia perhaps? [Ezekiel 38:6]
To summarize, Ezekiel 38:14-16 seems to indicate a massive sneak attack – again from the far north – upon the nation of Israel. This attack is intended to show the world that God is in charge and that Israel is His people.
When we read on through chapter 39, it reiterates that Israel’s enemies will be led out to destroy Israel yet be destroyed themselves. Verses 11-16 even tell us where the dead will be buried and that it will take seven months to find all the remains.
So who are all the players in this drama besides Israel?
Two names mentioned are still used in modern day language – Persia and Ethiopia. Granted, Persia is now called Iran (but only since 1935). This is the same Iran who won’t let UN inspectors look at their nuclear facilities, has tested a missile that can reach Israel, and whose leader has allegedly asked his nuclear scientists to produce two bombs by January. In a broader sense, Ethiopia can also mean Nubia, which encompasses much of “Black Africa.”
Many ancient sources identify Magog as Scythians, who settled in the steppes of what is now modern Russia, and ancestors of today’s Russians.
Put (or Phut) refers to Libya and in a broader sense encompasses a large portion of North Africa, including Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco.
Gomer can be traced to the Cimmerians, who eventually settled in the Rhine and Danube valleys. In other words, Germany.
Beth Togarmah refers to Turkic tribes in Turkey, Turkistan, and Armenia.
Meshach and Tubal represent tribes that settled in Turkey and perhaps even southern Russia.
There are some significant non-players in this drama as well. Sheba and Dedan were cities in what is now Saudi Arabia.1 Not surprising when you consider that they are perhaps the United States’ strongest Muslim ally.
Tarshish is likely a reference to the Phoenician settlement of Tartessus located in southwestern Spain. It was also the far-away place that Jonah was trying get to in order to avoid God [Jonah 1:3]. There is a phrase in the Bible – Ships of Tarshish – which often is attributed to any large, far-sailing ships regardless of they were traveling to or from Tarshish. Still another meaning of Tarshish is “sea coast” and may have referred to any coastal area in Europe. There’s an interesting article regarding the Merchants of Tarshish.
Russia is a plausible enemy in this scenario. Just look at all the problem Russia has experienced since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Communism failed miserably in the old USSR. Democracy and capitalism aren’t doing much better now, either; Russia is still paying dearly for a lack of infrastructure that was largely ignored while the old USSR was busy spending precious resources on the Cold War arms race.
One thing the old Soviet-style of government did well is eastern Europe was to keep the minorities in their place. Repressed actually.
I witnessed this personally in 1990 when I visited the former Soviet Union and Poland. The difference between Poland (where communism fell the year before) and the USSR (where communism would fall the next year) was like night and day. In Poland you could sense the exuberance. In the USSR, you could sense the frustration.
I had actually visited two republics of the USSR – Russia and Estonia. In 1990, communism was already crumbling and everyone knew it. It was like the elephant in the room that nobody wanted to talk about. The coup that overthrew the communist regime in 1991 was not a matter of if, but when.
But there was a glimmer of hope. This was very apparent in Estonia – a minority republic of the USSR. They were expressing their freedom – and getting away with it.
Despite their new-found freedom, democracy is failing in Russia. All the years of oppression by the Russians upon all the peoples of the former Soviet bloc is coming back to haunt Russia. Look at the mess in Chechnya. Look at the recent terrorist attacks, most notably two downed jetliners and horrific hostage situations in an opera house in Moscow and a school in Breslan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent and director of Russia’s Federal Security Service and Security Secretary, has had it. He’s made his views clear on Chechnya. Don’t be surprised to find a more repressive regime taking over in Russia, whether it be by Putin’s hands or by someone who thinks he can do better.
Then there’s the United States. Did you know that we aren’t even mentioned in end-time prophecy in any way? It could very well be that when the stuff hits the fan in Israel, we will continue to be pinned down in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the skeleton crew we have keeping the peace along the 38th Parallel on the Korean Peninsula.
Perhaps we will be stymied by our economic ties as well. After all, we sell weapons to Israel to defend against the same people we buy our oil from (who in turn buy their weapons from Russia and China). Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
Again, I stress that I’m not setting a timeframe for this to happen, nor am I saying this is going to happen exactly in the way I’ve outlined here.
What can you do? Do as St. Francis of Assisi suggested: "Preach the Gospel everywhere you go, and if necessary, use words." Pray for this big, scary world of ours. And be ready.
1. “Magog” [Online] Available: http://www.harpazo.net/magog.html
Russia is a plausible enemy in this scenario. Just look at all the problem Russia has experienced since the breakup of the Soviet Union. Communism failed miserably in the old USSR. Democracy and capitalism aren’t doing much better now, either; Russia is still paying dearly for a lack of infrastructure that was largely ignored while the old USSR was busy spending precious resources on the Cold War arms race.
One thing the old Soviet-style of government did well is eastern Europe was to keep the minorities in their place. Repressed actually.
I witnessed this personally in 1990 when I visited the former Soviet Union and Poland. The difference between Poland (where communism fell the year before) and the USSR (where communism would fall the next year) was like night and day. In Poland you could sense the exuberance. In the USSR, you could sense the frustration.
I had actually visited two republics of the USSR – Russia and Estonia. In 1990, communism was already crumbling and everyone knew it. It was like the elephant in the room that nobody wanted to talk about. The coup that overthrew the communist regime in 1991 was not a matter of if, but when.
But there was a glimmer of hope. This was very apparent in Estonia – a minority republic of the USSR. They were expressing their freedom – and getting away with it.
Despite their new-found freedom, democracy is failing in Russia. All the years of oppression by the Russians upon all the peoples of the former Soviet bloc is coming back to haunt Russia. Look at the mess in Chechnya. Look at the recent terrorist attacks, most notably two downed jetliners and horrific hostage situations in an opera house in Moscow and a school in Breslan.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent and director of Russia’s Federal Security Service and Security Secretary, has had it. He’s made his views clear on Chechnya. Don’t be surprised to find a more repressive regime taking over in Russia, whether it be by Putin’s hands or by someone who thinks he can do better.
Then there’s the United States. Did you know that we aren’t even mentioned in end-time prophecy in any way? It could very well be that when the stuff hits the fan in Israel, we will continue to be pinned down in Iraq and Afghanistan, not to mention the skeleton crew we have keeping the peace along the 38th Parallel on the Korean Peninsula.
Perhaps we will be stymied by our economic ties as well. After all, we sell weapons to Israel to defend against the same people we buy our oil from (who in turn buy their weapons from Russia and China). Oh, what a tangled web we weave.
Again, I stress that I’m not setting a timeframe for this to happen, nor am I saying this is going to happen exactly in the way I’ve outlined here.
What can you do? Do as St. Francis of Assisi suggested: "Preach the Gospel everywhere you go, and if necessary, use words." Pray for this big, scary world of ours. And be ready.
1. “Magog” [Online] Available: http://www.harpazo.net/magog.html
Israel in Prophecy - Part 2
From Sovereignty to Present
Since the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 (the re-establishment of Israel as the Jewish homeland), God has certainly placed His protective Hand over them. As soon as the new State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, her Arab neighbors were determined to wipe her off the map, sparking Israel’s 15-month War of Independence. Subsequent wars followed in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. In 1991, Iraq was determined to drag Israel into the first Gulf War by hurling Scud missiles at her. Sounds a lot like some of the Old Testament stories of ancient Israel’s victories. Despite superiority in numbers, Israel’s enemies have failed to vanquish her when God was on her side. Not only have Israel’s Arab neighbors failed to destroy her, but Israel has gained more territory in the process.
Jesus prophesied that “Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles [non-Jews] until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled.” [Luke 21:24] The “times of the Gentiles” started with the Babylonian captivity in 606 B.C. and will continue until the Tribulation and return of Christ. [Luke 21:25-28]
In the Parable of the Fig Tree, Jesus said, “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” [Luke 21:29-33] It is also interesting to note that the fig tree when used symbolically in Scripture, usually refers to the nation of Israel.
So, are we that close? I believe so. By end of the Six Day War of 1967, Israel had occupied nearly twice as much territory as it had in 1948. Most significant was that Jerusalem, once divided between Israel and Jordan, was now completely occupied by the IDF (Israel Defense Force), placing it under Jewish control for the first time since 606 B.C. 1 In fact, the IDF occupied the Temple Mount where General Moshe Dayan planted the Israel flag atop the Dome of the Rock (al Aqsa Mosque).
Outnumbered fifty to one, the IDF won the war. Nonetheless, in a move that still has some Israelis angry today, General Dayan withdrew the IDF from the Temple Mount. He felt it more prudent to allow the Muslims to keep their holy site; otherwise the Jews were sure to dismantle the mosque and rebuild the temple, and therefore igniting a holy war. 2
Today I would submit to you that at the very least, the fig tree that is Israel is budding. The Jews don’t occupy the Temple Mount, but they do pray at its Western Wall.
To further illustrate God’s favor over Israel, it’s interesting to note that while the eastern and southern walls of the Temple Mount are threatening an imminent collapse, the Western Wall appears unaffected. Truly the Hand of God is at work here.
Since the fulfillment of Ezekiel 37 (the re-establishment of Israel as the Jewish homeland), God has certainly placed His protective Hand over them. As soon as the new State of Israel was proclaimed on May 14, 1948, her Arab neighbors were determined to wipe her off the map, sparking Israel’s 15-month War of Independence. Subsequent wars followed in 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982. In 1991, Iraq was determined to drag Israel into the first Gulf War by hurling Scud missiles at her. Sounds a lot like some of the Old Testament stories of ancient Israel’s victories. Despite superiority in numbers, Israel’s enemies have failed to vanquish her when God was on her side. Not only have Israel’s Arab neighbors failed to destroy her, but Israel has gained more territory in the process.
Jesus prophesied that “Jerusalem will be trampled by the Gentiles [non-Jews] until the time of the Gentiles is fulfilled.” [Luke 21:24] The “times of the Gentiles” started with the Babylonian captivity in 606 B.C. and will continue until the Tribulation and return of Christ. [Luke 21:25-28]
In the Parable of the Fig Tree, Jesus said, “Look at the fig tree and all the trees. When they sprout leaves, you can see for yourselves and know that summer is near. Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near. I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away.” [Luke 21:29-33] It is also interesting to note that the fig tree when used symbolically in Scripture, usually refers to the nation of Israel.
So, are we that close? I believe so. By end of the Six Day War of 1967, Israel had occupied nearly twice as much territory as it had in 1948. Most significant was that Jerusalem, once divided between Israel and Jordan, was now completely occupied by the IDF (Israel Defense Force), placing it under Jewish control for the first time since 606 B.C. 1 In fact, the IDF occupied the Temple Mount where General Moshe Dayan planted the Israel flag atop the Dome of the Rock (al Aqsa Mosque).
Outnumbered fifty to one, the IDF won the war. Nonetheless, in a move that still has some Israelis angry today, General Dayan withdrew the IDF from the Temple Mount. He felt it more prudent to allow the Muslims to keep their holy site; otherwise the Jews were sure to dismantle the mosque and rebuild the temple, and therefore igniting a holy war. 2
Today I would submit to you that at the very least, the fig tree that is Israel is budding. The Jews don’t occupy the Temple Mount, but they do pray at its Western Wall.
To further illustrate God’s favor over Israel, it’s interesting to note that while the eastern and southern walls of the Temple Mount are threatening an imminent collapse, the Western Wall appears unaffected. Truly the Hand of God is at work here.
1. LaHaye, Tim and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, p. 53.
2. Ibid., pp. 53-54
1. LaHaye, Tim and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, p. 53.
2. Ibid., pp. 53-54
Wednesday, October 06, 2004
Death, Taxes, and Consumer Reports
My brother-in-law from California was in town for business and spent the night here last night. We had a nice visit and talked about his new job (although I kind of felt like the some of the characters from Friends when they asked Chandler, "So what is it that you do?").
Anyhow, we got on the subject about how we still get mail for my in-laws (see my previous post Why Do Dead People Still Get Mail?). J mentioned that he still gets Consumer Reports that dad gave as a lifetime subscription. Yeah, lifetime - and then some!
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Pets on Parade
Snoopy - yes, he's really that lazy.
I thought it would be fun to show off our pests - um, I mean pets. So here's both of the four-legged furry friends living in our house. Aren't they cute?
I thought it would be fun to show off our pests - um, I mean pets. So here's both of the four-legged furry friends living in our house. Aren't they cute?
Addie is our 11-year-old standard poodle. She's white in this picture. By the time she needs grooming she's not as white nor pretty otherwise. If she goes out in the rain she gets really ugly and smells like wet dog - for days. She barks at doorbells on the TV but sometimes forgets to bark when someone actually comes to the door.
Snoopy is a 13(?)-year-old black mutt cat from the pound. He pretty much just lays around. When S and I are sitting in our respective seats in the living room, he walks back and forth across the lamp table between us, purring and wanting to be petted. He's an indoor-only cat but meows at the birds he sees through the windows.
They're both nuts. Notice in the pictures they look like bookends. They do that a lot. Really wierd. Addie doesn't like to eat when you're looking at her. Snoopy doesn't like to eat unless you are looking at him. And we thought our kids were wierd.
With the kids moved out of the house these two are pretty much our entertainment. Please pray for us.
Sunday, October 03, 2004
World Communion Sunday
Today we celebrated World Communion Sunday with the Amharic (Ethiopian) Church that meets on our church campus. Very nice.
Otherwise the day was pretty much uneventful. I got a brochure and application to attend training for Lay Speaking Ministry. I think its time to do it.
So, do you like the new look of my blog? I changed templates thinking I was having a problem with my previous template. I had fun putting this one together but found I had the same problem. It turned out that it was something I did in a couple of my posts. Problem solved. Then I did some other cool and fun stuff; I figured out how to move my site map and add a picture of my planet.
My brother-in-law is coming to visit Tuesday and will be staying with us despite the fact is S is not healthy lately (although doing rather well today) and the house is a mess. So it's time for me to go and mop some floors. Bye.
Real Disturbing Stuff - And Kerry Supports It
Boy, just when you think things were already bad enough. Here's some disturbing headlines from the past week:
According to a story on Fox News, Israel has made it abundantly clear that they will consider "all options" to prevent Iran from producing nuclear weapons. We already know from past history that Israel is probably not bluffing.
Another source, WorldNetDaily, indicates that the Iranian leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has told his weapons developers to step up the production of a nuclear bomb, saying, "We must have two bombs ready to go in January or you are not Muslims." What's that all about? Especially from a country that claims its nuclear program is peaceful.
And in another story from WorldNetDaily, John Kerry indicated that he would still supply Iran with the nuclear fuel it needed (looking back at the debate, I recall him making this remark). This is the same Iran that wants two nuclear bombs by January. Fortunately, Mr. Kerry, if elected, would not be in office until January. Perhaps Iran realizes this and so that's why they hope to make their own bomb by January.
To Mr. Kerry, I would just say this: HEL-LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
In a previous post I wrote about Ezekiel 37 - the re-establishment of Israel as a nation and homeland to the Jews. The second part of Israel in prophecy will be centered around Ezekiel 38 - the attempted destruction of Israel by Russia and her Arab neighbors. I will be writing about that in the next week, provided it doesn't become fulfilled in the next week.
So What Was That Noise Anyway?
“And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound…” [Ezekiel 37:7] So what was that noise anyway?
Jesus had also mentioned a great turmoil when he said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” [Matthew 24:6-8]
Mankind has been warring against itself since the beginning of recorded history. But that was nothing compared to what happened after June 28, 1914. It was on that day Serbian zealot shot the Archduke of Austria, Prince Francis Ferdinand in the streets of Sarajevo. On August 1, it came to blows when various nations and kingdoms of Europe became engaged in the Great War (later known as World War I). By the time the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, all but seven nations had become embroiled in this epic conflict (and even the seven neutral nations sent mercenaries).1 Some 65 million soldiers took part in the war, more than all the wars prior. Nearly an estimated 15 million soldiers and civilians were killed.2
What followed the war was even more costly. A deadly strain of influenza originating in the United States and carried to Europe by American troops hit both continents very hard. Many Europeans were made even more susceptible to the disease because of malnutrition and famine directly resulting from the war. It is estimated some 20 million lost their lives to flu pandemic2, more than the number lost during the war.
Pestilence is still a problem these days. HIV and AIDS have arrived on the scene in the last couple of decades. West Nile Virus has been spreading across the United States since 1999 with deadly results. Last year we saw a deadly strain of the flu. With more and more diseases becoming drug-resistant and frequent travel around the world, a pandemic is only waiting to happen.
Famine is also still a problem. According to The Hunger Site, about 1 billion people suffer from hunger and malnutrition. About 24,000 people die each day of starvation or hunger-related causes. By the way, you can go to The Hunger Site and click to donate free food every day.
Then there’s the earthquakes. There is considerable controversy with this topic. Some claim the occurrence of earthquakes has increased since World War I while others don’t. Certainly with more and more seismic recording equipment being put to use, we are recording more earthquakes that may otherwise be undetected. But certainly the quakes are getting more and more deadly. And as if to confirm Jesus’ assertion of earthquakes in various places, the only known multiple earthquakes in history have been recorded since World War I. One such example is of a prolonged quake in Helena, Montana in 1935 with similar reports coming in from New York and Honduras.3
Since the “War to End All Wars” there has been plenty of war, pestilence, hunger, and earthquake activity going on all at once. Perhaps that is what Jesus was trying to tell us.
1. LaHaye, Tim and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, pp. 38-40.
2. World War I
3. LaHaye, Tim and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, pp. 40-41.
Jesus had also mentioned a great turmoil when he said, “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains.” [Matthew 24:6-8]
Mankind has been warring against itself since the beginning of recorded history. But that was nothing compared to what happened after June 28, 1914. It was on that day Serbian zealot shot the Archduke of Austria, Prince Francis Ferdinand in the streets of Sarajevo. On August 1, it came to blows when various nations and kingdoms of Europe became engaged in the Great War (later known as World War I). By the time the armistice was signed on November 11, 1918, all but seven nations had become embroiled in this epic conflict (and even the seven neutral nations sent mercenaries).1 Some 65 million soldiers took part in the war, more than all the wars prior. Nearly an estimated 15 million soldiers and civilians were killed.2
What followed the war was even more costly. A deadly strain of influenza originating in the United States and carried to Europe by American troops hit both continents very hard. Many Europeans were made even more susceptible to the disease because of malnutrition and famine directly resulting from the war. It is estimated some 20 million lost their lives to flu pandemic2, more than the number lost during the war.
Pestilence is still a problem these days. HIV and AIDS have arrived on the scene in the last couple of decades. West Nile Virus has been spreading across the United States since 1999 with deadly results. Last year we saw a deadly strain of the flu. With more and more diseases becoming drug-resistant and frequent travel around the world, a pandemic is only waiting to happen.
Famine is also still a problem. According to The Hunger Site, about 1 billion people suffer from hunger and malnutrition. About 24,000 people die each day of starvation or hunger-related causes. By the way, you can go to The Hunger Site and click to donate free food every day.
Then there’s the earthquakes. There is considerable controversy with this topic. Some claim the occurrence of earthquakes has increased since World War I while others don’t. Certainly with more and more seismic recording equipment being put to use, we are recording more earthquakes that may otherwise be undetected. But certainly the quakes are getting more and more deadly. And as if to confirm Jesus’ assertion of earthquakes in various places, the only known multiple earthquakes in history have been recorded since World War I. One such example is of a prolonged quake in Helena, Montana in 1935 with similar reports coming in from New York and Honduras.3
Since the “War to End All Wars” there has been plenty of war, pestilence, hunger, and earthquake activity going on all at once. Perhaps that is what Jesus was trying to tell us.
1. LaHaye, Tim and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, pp. 38-40.
2. World War I
3. LaHaye, Tim and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton, Illinois: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, pp. 40-41.
Israel in Prophecy - Part 1
A Nation Reborn
The prophet Zechariah spoke the word of God regarding the end times saying:
I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that sends all the surrounding peoples reeling. Judah will be besieged as well as Jerusalem. On that day, when all the nations of the earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for all the nations. All who try to move it will injure themselves. [Zechariah 12:2-3]
Is that not true today? Just look at Israel. This tiny nation of five million people is certainly the focus of world attention. Three religions - Islam, Christianity, and Judaism - claim Jerusalem as a holy site. And with it comes bitter strife.
Jerusalem is a typical city, with its noise, crowds, and pollution. However there are no great rivers flowing through it. It has no port. The nearest airport is many miles away. No world governmental body or financial institution is headquartered there.1 The city otherwise has little strategic importance from a military standpoint. Yet look at all the attention Jerusalem garners.
The fact that a Jewish homeland exists at all is astounding in itself. The last of the Jews were expelled from Israel by the Romans in A.D. 135. They were scattered across Europe and eventually the Americas. Yet they returned and became a nation again in 1948. Never in all the history of mankind has a nation retained it identity more than five hundred years after its expulsion from its homeland - until Israel.2
This was not just happenstance; it was part of God's plan all along as it was outlined in Ezekiel 37. Bit by bit, piece by piece, Jews around the world have been gathering back to their homeland.
The rebirth of Israel can be traced back to 1916, in the midst of the Great War (World War I). The war was going badly for Great Britain. They needed to speed up the process of producing TNT and a smokeless gunpowder. A Jewish scientist by the name of Dr. Chaim Weizmann had the formula that would change the course of the war in favor of the Allies. The British government asked Weizmann to name his price. He requested that Palestine (which the British had just conquered from the Ottoman Empire) be declared the international homeland for the Jewish people. On November 2, 1917, the Balfour Declaration did just that.
Little by little, Jewish settler began adding to those already in Palestine. In 1917, there were 25,000 Jews living in Palestine. By 1945 that number had grown to half a million. But by then, the British had reversed their position on the declaration, supported Arab independence instead. Keeping the peace between the Arabs and the Jews was proving to be too much for the British, and after World War II, they withdrew from Palestine.3 In 1947, the United Nations agreed to establish an Arab state and a Jewish state in Palestine. On May 14, 1948, the State of Israel was proclaimed as a sovereign nation, followed by a 15-month war during which Israel fought off her Arab neighbors trying to wipe her off the map.
Seems to be a clear-cut fulfillment of the prophecy laid out in Ezekiel 37:1-14.
1. LaHaye, Tim, and Jenkins, Jerry B. Are We Living In the End Times? Wheaton IL: Tyndale House Publishers, 1999, p.46.
2. Ibid., p.48.
3. Ibid., pp. 50-53
Friday, October 01, 2004
Do You Believe in Angels?

Unconfirmed photo of an angel (truthorfiction.com)
Do you believe in angels? If I've ever encountered one, I certainly don't recall. But I do believe they exist.
The Bible is replete with stories regarding angels. They appeared to many in the Bible, sometimes in a dream, or sometimes outright. At times they have issued warnings. And at other times they simply conveyed a message from God. The definition of angel means quite literally, a messenger of God, sent from Heaven.
Recently a coworker of mine mentioned to us that her 3-year-old son talks to an angel while he's out playing, and that he can see him, too. I went to Google and a simple search revealed to me that this was a common experience among young children. I never knew that. Ah, how the loss of our innocence clouds our vision - the very ability to see the truth. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. [Matthew 5:8]
The above photograph is purported to be that of an angel, one who protected the occupants of the vehicle - and walked away without so much as a scratch (click on link in the caption to read more). Now is this really an angel? Or some kind of photographic trick? Or just a flaw in the camera or the film? I don't know. But does it really matter?
For faith is not in those things we can see, but in those things we cannot see, but still believe in. I believe in angels.
Why Do Dead People Still Get Mail?
I just don't understand it. My mother-in-law passed away in 1996 and my father-in-law followed in 1998. Yet we still get mail for both of them. Sometimes they get more than we do!
S got a phone call from one of Mom's favorite charities last night. She coolly and calmly gave them the riot act.
Several months ago Dad got something from the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. They mentioned that they hadn't heard from him in some time and would he please be willing to make a donation? I sent back a kind reply stating that Mr. C had passed away and would not be making any more contributions, nor did we anticipate him making any in the future. I also asked for his name to removed.
Well, guess what? The DCCC sent Dad another letter asking to fill out a survey on how badly he thought Mr. Bush was doing and would he please be willing to make a donation? My reply to them was not as kind as the first:
I already told you several months ago that Mr. C is dead - HE IS STILL DEAD!
It's been a very stressful week and I'm quite tired. I'm going to pop in an inane movie in the DVD player and go to bed. Good night.
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