Wednesday, October 20, 2004

An Unexpected Spiritual Retreat

Today S and I were at the Mayo Clinic Hospital in Scottsdale. While she was under and being checked out (see blog entry on the Pancreatitis page), I walked around and explored the hospital. I was eventually led to go to into the chapel.
It was a smaller space than I expected but very nice. The main room of the chapel had indirect lighting in a domed ceiling that gradually changed colors every (approximately) five seconds or so. There was also a recording of falling rain and distant chirping birds. I also thought I heard a faint whisper of a cello playing. You can also hear the piano playing from out in the main lobby. It was very peaceful and relaxing.
The front wall of main room was mostly stained glass representing the Tree of Life with a cross subtly superimposed on it. Along the walls in the main room where panes of frosted glass etched with either a Bible verse or an inspirational quote.
What struck me most though is when I went to read the prayer book. These were some of the most heartfelt prayers I've ever witnessed. They were from people who didn't know what was happening to their loved ones, yet trusted God to help. There were even a few from those who were patients themselves. Some pleaded with God to help put together their own shattered lives. Many thanked God for getting them through so far. I saw some in Spanish, and one in a language whose alphabet I didn't even recognize. I also found a page of prayers on behalf of a young man who lost his life, including one from his mother. At the bottom of the page were the encouraging words of a friend reminding them that they would see him again in heaven.
As I thumbed through the pages, I noticed several prayers written by the same person. From what I gather, he was a young Jewish man (he made references to Rosh Hoshanna and wrote a sentence which appeared to be in Hebrew), and I believe he was praying for his daughter. His was the most inspirational to me. They were so full of hope and trust - and this guy wasn't afraid to be real. They usually started with something like, "Hey, it's me again." Many times, we often forget to thank God for his blessings, but this guy didn't. There were quite a few times where he expressed his gratitude by saying, "God, YOU ROCK!"
May we all be able to be as enthusiastic in our praise of God. And you know what, God? You do rock! Thanks!

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