Unconfirmed photo of an angel (truthorfiction.com)
Do you believe in angels? If I've ever encountered one, I certainly don't recall. But I do believe they exist.
The Bible is replete with stories regarding angels. They appeared to many in the Bible, sometimes in a dream, or sometimes outright. At times they have issued warnings. And at other times they simply conveyed a message from God. The definition of angel means quite literally, a messenger of God, sent from Heaven.
Recently a coworker of mine mentioned to us that her 3-year-old son talks to an angel while he's out playing, and that he can see him, too. I went to Google and a simple search revealed to me that this was a common experience among young children. I never knew that. Ah, how the loss of our innocence clouds our vision - the very ability to see the truth. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. [Matthew 5:8]
The above photograph is purported to be that of an angel, one who protected the occupants of the vehicle - and walked away without so much as a scratch (click on link in the caption to read more). Now is this really an angel? Or some kind of photographic trick? Or just a flaw in the camera or the film? I don't know. But does it really matter?
For faith is not in those things we can see, but in those things we cannot see, but still believe in. I believe in angels.
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