Friday, October 29, 2004

October Surprise #2 - Bin Laden Speaks

That cowardly old pig, Osama bin Laden, has spoken again - although by video tape (since he's too much of a coward to actually appear publicly in any civilized place).
He's come out and said that he doesn't like George Bush. Duh. Like we didn't know that. He also doesn't like John Kerry. I've got news for you. He doesn't like Americans, period.
He also claims that he "told" Bush about 9/11 a month before it happened. A little strange when you consider that he didn't claim responsibility for 9/11 until some time after.
I think it's Osama's subtle way of telling you to vote for Kerry. Perhaps he's really trapped. Perhaps he feels that when he gets caught, Kerry will deal with him more sensitively.
Look, I think Osama is just trying to intimidate us. But Franklin Roosevelt once said that (and I paraphrase - sorry) the only one who can take away an American's right to vote is another American. The easiest way to do that is to simply not vote.
So get out and vote and show those pigs how we do things in America.

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